I recently met up with a friend of mine for drinks and we got chatting (as you do:) and she told me that she had a problem with the whole “Team Natural” movement. Her opinion centered around the belief that the concept was used to divide natural haired girls from relaxed girls and perpetuate some sort ‘holier than thou’ attitude. Now this concept is something I’m familiar with. I’ve been natural for 2 years now and I hear and witness similar arguments very often. And I have to say I think it is a very sad thing that a movement which is supposed to be entirely positive and beautiful has become a community for bashing other people and inciting judgment.
Truthfully what relaxed girls need to realise is that even within the natural hair community there is division. The Natural Nazis (as I call them) have a whole set of rules that I I don’t even acknowledge e.g “real” naturals don’t wear wear extensions/weaves, use heat, or dye, shouldn’t use gels or styling products with silicones, or parabens or mineral oil, etc. I understand it would be naive to ignore the historical importance of the recent natural hair movement and the social implications this brings. (Check out this video by the NY Times if you have no idea what I’m talking about) I respect that some people believe using styling products and certain hairstyles (like twist outs or heat styling) mask the true texture of your hair and (in their opinion) to be natural means embracing your hair in its wild, untouched state. But have such people ever stopped to consider that fighting each other on the topic just takes us backwards? Everyone should be free to do whatever they want with their own hair- as a race we fought for freedom to do just that.
When I decided to go natural (read my post on my decision to do that here) I did so out of curiosity and a desire to have healthier hair and a healthier lifestyle. I’ve loved learning about my hair and I love the versatility of it. But it goes further than that. I love natural hair- I think its so beautiful! All the waves, kinks and coils never get old to me. I love big, crazy hair and I can’t wait to have a huge ass fro! So when I #teamnatural on my social media, I’m not teaming against people that aren’t natural or identifying with the Natural Nazis out there. I’m simply associating myself with all the ladies (and gentlemen:) who have made the choice not to chemically straighten or permanently alter the true texture of their hair. It’s an exciting movement and I’m proud to be on this journey with every one that’s on it with me. I encourage everyone to respect the choices that set us apart and make us unique. Its her hair and beyond that it’s just hair.
I’d love to know your opinions on this topic so please leave your comments below:)
PS: I stumbled across this post #TeamNatural Take A Chill Pill, I thought it was pretty awesome if you’d like to check it out.
"So when I #teamnatural on my social media, I'm not teaming against people that aren't natural…" <- this and everything thereafter, in fact this whole post.
I think the reason some naturalistas are so fierce is because though many women are going natural now, it's still not the norm, it still feels like we have something to prove. I think this, and the political history of black hair is why some people are SO defensive. Let's be honest. Relaxers, weaves are the mainstream standard of beauty. Natural hair is found in clothing or hip or other fun adverts, not serious stuff. I stretched my hair this week and a colleague told me my other styles (twists, coils, puffs) make me look unserious. If I was easily affected by things like this, my guns would be blazing too.
Sha sha. My own understanding of natural hair is hair that has not been relaxed (or texturised), and I think anything more complicated than this is divisive. If I colour my natural hair today, flat iron it tomorrow, what does it matter? Natural hair is oh so versatile, and you can have fun with it 1001 ways- so why not? Healthy hair should be the goal for all women- whether you're natural or with a perm.
On this debate, my position is this. EVERYBODY needs to chill. Natural Nazis, and also the members of #teamRelaxer that keep throwing shade.
Thank you for your comment,I agree 100% everyone needs to relax and forget about all these rules – it's completely divisive and pointless. I think the point you made about natural hair being accepted in mainstream media etc is changing though. I've noticed a lot more hair diversity in adverts, magazines, film, tv shows etc lately. I really hate comments like "natural hair makes you look unserious" there's so much ignorance in statements like that. There have been so many lawsuits in the past against corporations on the same topic.. But the acceptance of natural hair is definitely moving in the right direction.
I dont understand this whole #Teamnatural stuff, am natual but you dont see me going about telling people they are traitors because they are not. I believe people who does such have serious issuess and needs to chill. The only reason half if not all of them are going natural is because they started to see cute hairstyles and want long hair, has notin with going back to their roots.
Lol! I know, some of the "deep" reasons we give for going natural can be a little pretentious but I'm all for people doing whatever they want to do with their hair. Wish everyone could just do the same. *sigh*
When i decided to go natural i didn't even know there was a natural hair community, i just got tired of burning my scalp with relaxers that never relaxed my hair and i discovered i like big afro hair. Since fixing weaves made my scalp itch i thought why not grow out my hair into an afro instead, i have never looked back since, but i am not my hair and my hair is not all about me. I don't listen to anybody's dictates or opinions, i don't dish out any unless asked and i don't defend my choices. I do like there is a community i can learn from don't care for the hair politics. All i know is i am enjoying my journey and can't wait to have a big and long flowing afro.
Hi Jumoke, thanks for your comment! "I am not my hair and my hair is not all about me" — I love that. I love the natural hair community because let's be real- it's new for most of us. We need to share experiences, and help each other because we're all learning. That's all it should be about. I wish you luck on your hair growth journey. I can't wait to have a huge fro too <3
hello,nice blog you have,pls ill like you to recommend a good leave in conditioner for braids for me pls.
Wow, I never knew of the existence of such sef, I used to be natural but am not anymore. I was natural purely for school reasons sef. Now no relaxer relaxes my hair. And am so scared of starting all over considering I have. Preety good hair. This gist doesn't even encourage me to try.